There’s No Reason the Democrats Should Lose the Midterms

I’m bracing myself for the worst (because the worst seems to be in no short supply these days), but there’s really no reason for the Democrats to lose this November’s midterm elections. None. If/When they do lose, it’ll likely be because the Republican party will out-message them, or because the Democrats won’t go enough on the offensive, or people are so supremely unhappy with Joe Biden that they’ll take it out against any other member of the Democratic party. But the thing is, Democrats have a lot in their favor. There’s no reason for them to lose.

Let’s start with the social policies. A vast majority of both Democrats and Republicans support background checks and red-flag laws, and yet only the Democrats are pushing for these kinds of reforms. A majority of Americans also prefer the Democrats’ pro-choice position over the Republicans’ banning of access to abortions. Senate Democrats have proposed a bill (which House Democrats passed in 2021) to cap out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors on Medicare. Speaking of, the Build Back Better Act (which passed the House but stalled in the Senate because of Joe Manchin) would have capped the price of insulin under Medicare, as well as expand home care for those on Medicaid, among a long list of other things. And let’s not forget that Manchin is also to blame for the failed climate change bill from this past week.

A quick side note: I don’t really like Biden. I’m hoping he doesn’t run again in 2024. But a lot of my frustration with Biden is probably better directed toward the Senate, where Manchin can single-handedly decide the fate of big ticket legislation, or where Republicans use the filibuster to prevent bills from even getting a vote — including this week’s Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act of 2022, which would have protected people crossing state lines to get an abortion. The main reason we haven’t seen Biden “do” more is because of the Senate. Now, Biden isn’t completely blameless here. He could go in and play hardball, and that lack of willpower or fighting power or gumption (he is 79, after all) is entirely his fault. But all I’m saying is: If you’re a Democrat or Independent who is mad at Biden, you should also 100% be mad at Manchin and the Senate Republicans.

So when it comes to social policies, the Democrats are doing things to help save lives. But I get it — the economy is a bigger worry for most Americans. So let’s talk about the economy. First, inflation. Yes, inflation has gone up, just like it has for the rest of the world. This is important to remember because the messaging you hear about inflation makes it sound like it’s somehow unique to the United States. The fact is, the pandemic has really fucked with the world’s economy in ways that we’re still feeling. The recent baby formula shortage is just one example — and one where Biden did something. Regardless of who won the 2020 presidential election, we’d still have inflation right now. I know it’s easy to blame the person in charge, but this is a situation that’s largely out of Biden’s hands.

Even still, it isn’t all bad news. Gas prices have fallen for the past month, dropping an average of 40 cents a gallon. The latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows more good news: employment was up by over 300,000 jobs (continuing its upward trajectory since December 2020), and the unemployment rate has remained at 3.6% — its lowest since the pandemic began. This is great news not only because it means more Americans who lost their jobs at the onset of the pandemic are returning to work, but also because it means higher wages for those workers.

This feels like a good time to point out something that might not be inherently obvious: For all their clamor about the economy and business and being fiscally conservative, Republicans aren’t actually better for the economy. Since World War II, Democratic presidents have done more to help the economy than Republican presidents when you compare job growth, GDP growth, unemployment rates, budget deficits, and also the fact that 10 of the last 11 recessions began under Republicans. So if the economy is your number one concern, vote for Democrats!

And finally, if all this hasn’t convinced you, then think about who the modern day Republicans are. This is a party that came chillingly close to overthrowing the 2020 presidential election. This is a party that worked tirelessly to strip away a person’s fundamental right to make choices about their own body. This is a party that cares more about guns than children. This is a party that refuses to investigate neo-Nazis in the military because this is a party that has no qualms uniting with racists, homophobes, or domestic abusers.

So yeah, even if you’re not a huge fan of Biden or the Democrats, look at the alternative. There’s no reason for the Democrats to lose the midterm elections.